A must read if you want your Gravatar to work for you!


Are you lost in the cyberspace of the blogosphere? Most everybody knows what a Gravatar is, right?  It’s that little image you inserted that tells people who you are. However, if you “like” something on my page, but you have not commented, I have no way to check out your site to see who you are.  (BTW, if I have a lot of likes/comments on something, the notifications box has probably scrolled you away before I had time to check you out, especially if I wasn’t sitting by the computer.Checking archives can be a pain.)

Make it easy for me! We might could become good friends and have a nifty online relationship…if I can find you.

So help me out, if you have not done this already!  I would love to check out your stuff, chances are, if you “liked” mine, I would “like” yours, too.

  1. Go to your Dashboard, then Users, then My Profile. 
  2. Scroll down to LINKS.
  3. Copy and paste your own site’s URL  into the links box, and put in the title of your blog. (It might be useful to have a second tab opened to your homepage if you don’t know your URL address by heart.)
  4.  Hit the  “add links” button.

It is that easy!

Now your blog’s link will show up in your gravatar when I click on it, and I can find your blog easily!  You can do the same with any pages you would like to promote; your website, your Facebook page, other blogs you have or want to encourage people to check out, or even your Amazon page to promote your book sales.

I cannot count the number of folks I have tried to connect with, but had no means.  I would love to get to know you 🙂  You will get more followers if people can track you back.  A link to your site is NOT automatically provided on your Gravatar.

I thank you very much and hope this was helpful!

Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog. Avatars help identify your posts on blogs and web forums, so why not on any site?

101 thoughts on “A must read if you want your Gravatar to work for you!

  1. Amen! I wrote on this subject lately and it annoys me to no end. if the gravatar and info is not complete, I click away and that is the end. There is no other choice. Sadly, the Like spammers never seem to forget this and take advantage of it. Why can’t the genuine blog authors do this… It’s so simple!


    1. I can usually catch people in the notifications if I am by the computer, but if it is the next day, and i am looking through the “like” to connect to folks…there is no way. It is not so annoying to me, some people wish to remain anonymous, but if they would like to be found…they should know that there is a way to make it easier.


  2. Many newbies have just “notify new comments ” box but no “notify new posts” or follow button. I won’t check comments – I do not want my email flooded with someone else’s blog stuff.


    1. I feel the same, but I have mine set so that I don’t get email if I follow unless I go into my reader/blog roll and request mail by editing the blog roll. I am speaking particularly to the gravatars, because so many will “like” and I have no way to find them if I want to. I will only hit a follow button also, unless it is really someone that I would like to read every single post by, then I would sign up for email to follow..


    1. Glad to know it. i know you, but there are so many who stop by but don’t leave me a way to connect…it is like knocking on my door when i am not home and not leaving a flyer. How can I know you have been by. The pics that show up often don’t give any info.


      1. I wish I had a way to make it reach a bigger audience. seems like somebody new is always coming along. i don’t understand why the Gravatar site doesn’t tell people to do this. Always wondered about that. You can’t do it from the Gravatar site where you can update your profile, you have to do it in your dashboard.


      2. I know – the Gravatar site has no instructions whatsoever. I think I did all mine from the blog site as well and added other info. I don’t know how much good any of it does though – still not selling books! Lol. 🙂


      3. LOL…but maybe getting more followers because they can link back to you…which may lead to more book sells. I didn’t have my link on my Gravatar for a long time…then someone told me so and how to fix it. Yay! have you tried adjusting your keywords on KDP?


      4. Yes. I have moved it to a different category and I have changed the keywords. I also changed the price as well. The problem seems to be that there are sooo many books out there that you have to have a slice of luck to get visibility. I am currently residing at several thousand down the bestseller list so unless anyone is particularly looking for me, then I am not going to pick up random sales. It is frustrating as my reviews have all been 4 or 5 stars.. but it’s the name of the game. I guess we have to be patient. How are you doing with your book? 🙂


      5. My book is doing a lot better than it was a week ago, A lot better, and I will tell you what I did. I went to keywords on KDP. I had random words in there like Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, abortion, adoption…and things that I thought might work…then I read this bit on there about choosing the proper keywords for your specific category under genre. Like under Historical…it lists 20th century as a keyword, multicultural, love, etc… and under Romance it listed like Interracial, coming of age, relationships etc… Then it went on to say, “IF YOU DO NOT SELECT FROM THESE SPECIFIC KEYWORDS, YOUR SEARCH WILL NOT BE ENHANCED. I thought F&%K…I have been doing this wrong for months. I selected the appropriate keywords for my book and saved the changes. Now I come in on the searches almost every time, sometimes as the number two, or number six on the search page, or maybe the number 26, or number 30, but at least I am now coming up. I have sold more books in the past week than I had in the past two months until I got my keywords straightened out…I thought AMAZING!


      6. That is amazing!!! So based on what you’ve said there then, I class my book as a romance, erotic in places and has a hint of thriller. My keywords at the moment are:- adult, erotica, romance, thriller, suspense, addiction and mystery.

        So where did you find the bit that you found? Do mean the category or just the keywords?

        Actually, I just found your facebook page. Are you online at the moment? Perhaps we could chat there? May be easier?


      7. Okay great – I’ll do that now. Thanks.

        I’ve just been looking and I didn’t realise that you could use 2-3 word phrases, I thought it had to be one word. 🙂


    1. Excellent! You are there now. Also. if you want to check for yourself, hover over your gravatar somewhere and then click on View Complete Profile and it will show you 🙂


    1. I like you too. I didn’t want to come across as preachy. I just want folks who might be unaware that there is no automatic link to their blog on their Gravatar if they haven’t put one there. I get them all the time. “Likes” with no way to check them out. Happens on CSB all the time also. I would love to connect with more readers from there, but they often have no link.


  3. Hi. I didn’t realise it wasn’t automatic – although I added my details to my Gravatar page some time ago. I have a simple system of tracking down bloggers if they ‘like’ (hope this doesn’t sound stalky). I click on their gravatar, copy their name and paste it into Google along with ‘WordPress.’ 95% of the time I get a hit for their blog page and click to go straight to them. 🙂


  4. I really liked this post when I read it. I do a post every couple of weeks called “Freshly Impressed”, and highlight posts I have enjoyed recently. I hope you don’t mind if I feature this one.


  5. Thank you for this! Though it turns out I had done this when I created my gravatar, it was good to double check and make sure it was all as it’s supposed to be! I like to be able to find people as well…
    I found you through Tric’s Freshly Impressed page, and my blog is my memoir about my daughter’s journey of living with cancer and dying in a state of grace, and my daughter’s memoir and poetry. I look forward to more of your posts!


    1. Thank you for looking me up. I am so very glad that you got your daughter’s story out here for people to read. I have a close friend who is doing the same for her husband’s journey.


  6. My grandmother used to say, ‘Learn something new every day,’ and be very pleased with herself when she learned the day’s new thing.

    This was mine for today, and I’ve only been online a few minutes – so we’re batting 1000.

    Thank you! As a new blogger a bit over a year ago, I set a lot of things to off or minimum, to start off slowly – and I never revisited that My Profile page. You have to scroll down VERY far to get to the Links – I’ll have to go digging on that page again to see what else is there.

    It is hilarious: you can put you HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER. Yeah, right. Who would want to??? Maybe for family blogs that are private, but I think that profile goes out to EVERYONE in the whole world, and I definitely don’t want them having my home phone number. Not that easily, anyway – I’m sure it’s on WhitePages.com, etc.

    I very much appreciate your post – and will be poking around your blog to see what you have to say. I love reading material from intelligent people.



    1. Thank you Alicia. I try to learn something new and laugh out loud at least once a day. I didn’t know how to post a sticky note until today, Thanks to Green Embers. I reblog books sometimes for other authors and my own current posts get lost. Today I learned how to stick my current posts to the top of my blog.


  7. I keep learning, thanks to people like you who share their expertise. Thanks.
    It’s been some time I linked my website to my Gravatar, but I never noticed you could link other sites. For now I added my profile on Goodreads. I tried to add my author profile on a small publisher site ‘Armadillo Central,’ (my book will be published with them next year) but Google did not recognise the link. Does emptying the cache help? I don’t know.


    1. Sometimes it takes wordpress a while to recognize another link. You will get a black wordpress image that seems to load forever. You could put it in and check back later. That’s how mine worked. LOL..It’s a learning curve for all of us 🙂


  8. Reblogged this on S.K. Nicholls and commented:
    I am reblogging this post because I have some new regulars and I would like to be able to follow you back easily. Many don’t know how to set up the gravatar to work for you in this regard. I hope this helps!


    1. The blog address shows readily when you comment. Many people don’t comment. When “likes” build up, more than about eight in notifications, they are lost to archives and it is a pain to track them down. Whereas, if you can click on the gravatar in the row, you can see the liker’s blog and click to go there if they have entered their URL.


      1. LOL…..just trying to be helpful. My husband is a rocket scientist. I clam to be a genius in nothing. It’s part of the joke….LOL…my brand….a little different than the norm 🙂


  9. Very helpful information. Another is the number of bloggers who don’t create an About page. When I have someone follow my blog, I always go to their blog and look for the About page so that I can thank them. If there is no About page, it is often difficult to acknowledge how much I appreciate their follow. Plus it is hard to figure out what their blog is about in a lot of cases.


      1. I read your About page and I like it. It gives me insight into what you as a blogger and some idea of where you want to take your blog. Though that can change. I kind of look at the About page as a mission statement for a blog. At least that’s the way I have treated mine. When I think I may be getting off-track, I go and reread my About page. Example: I say no ranting and raving. There have been a couple of times when I wrote posts that ranted and/or raved. I immediately discarded those posts. Now I don’t consider satire ranting and raving. And I do promise humor.


  10. Thanks! I set up gravatar last year but it won’t let me add my blog URL, only my website. I’ve spent about an hour and a half today trying to figure it out. My blog is hosted by Blogger. There don’t seem to be any directions on Gravatar as to how to add a Blogger URL. What’s the use of just having my website pop up when people can’t leave comments there. Any suggestions? #PleaseHelp


      1. Okay. Thank you, anyway. I’m thinking that Gravatar is just for wordpress hosted sites. And, let’s face it, your gravatar needs to direct people to your blog not your website. Is WordPress easy to use?


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