Tag Archives: links

A must read if you want your Gravatar to work for you!


Are you lost in the cyberspace of the blogosphere? Most everybody knows what a Gravatar is, right?  It’s that little image you inserted that tells people who you are. However, if you “like” something on my page, but you have not commented, I have no way to check out your site to see who you are.  (BTW, if I have a lot of likes/comments on something, the notifications box has probably scrolled you away before I had time to check you out, especially if I wasn’t sitting by the computer.Checking archives can be a pain.)

Make it easy for me! We might could become good friends and have a nifty online relationship…if I can find you.

So help me out, if you have not done this already!  I would love to check out your stuff, chances are, if you “liked” mine, I would “like” yours, too.

  1. Go to your Dashboard, then Users, then My Profile. 
  2. Scroll down to LINKS.
  3. Copy and paste your own site’s URL  into the links box, and put in the title of your blog. (It might be useful to have a second tab opened to your homepage if you don’t know your URL address by heart.)
  4.  Hit the  “add links” button.

It is that easy!

Now your blog’s link will show up in your gravatar when I click on it, and I can find your blog easily!  You can do the same with any pages you would like to promote; your website, your Facebook page, other blogs you have or want to encourage people to check out, or even your Amazon page to promote your book sales.

I cannot count the number of folks I have tried to connect with, but had no means.  I would love to get to know you 🙂  You will get more followers if people can track you back.  A link to your site is NOT automatically provided on your Gravatar.

I thank you very much and hope this was helpful!

Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog. Avatars help identify your posts on blogs and web forums, so why not on any site?