#amblogging: WordPress Blues

Please WordPress, stop trying to force us to use a dashboard we are not comfortable with. What’s the point? The dashboard has nothing to do with how the posts are displayed.

Life in the Realm of Fantasy

wordpress logoWordPress people…you have pissed me off.

For a year now you have been trying to shove this new, less-than-useful dashboard down my throat, and for that same year, I have refused to use it. You allowed me the option to stay with the expanded version that played to my needs, and so I didn’t complain.

Today, however, you  cut off my simple access to the old, better-for-my-purposes dashboard, and forced me to hunt for a way to get back to it. So rather than the post I had intended, we are going to discuss how a determined blogger can get around your arbitrary decision.

I do not post my blogs from a cell phone. For those people who do, I am sure the bland wall of white fog that is the new default dashboard is fine, but for me it is NOT USEFUL.

First of all, the writing is pale…

View original post 369 more words

18 thoughts on “#amblogging: WordPress Blues

    1. I’m certainly one of them. I had a hack installed where I never had to worry about it, but when WordPress updated the hack was lost and I haven’t gotten a response from any inquiry’s I sent the guy who did the hack. Oh how I wish he would send another out.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. Susan. I wouldn’t have found Connie’s post otherwise. I commented on her blog too, but am in total agreement about the new dashboard and making it difficult to find the old one!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same here. I absolutely detest the new editor and when I have to go in to edit, some of the options that are available on the old editor aren’t available on the new…like editing pics so that they open in a new page and don’t snatch your reader away if they accidentally click on it. Little details.


      1. I tried answering comments once on my phone and every comment ended up as an individual post on my site. Was a real mess. Had to come home and delete them. My blogger friends asked me if I’d been drinking.


  2. You know, I found this blog post yesterday and am so glad it’s getting circulated. Because I didn’t know what exactly had changed, only that something had and I was less happy. Glad someone else could articulate what was different about my screen.


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