The Wonders of Youth and New Technologies

Victo Delore, a female physician, wrote a humorous post today offering advice to female physicians in how to achieve a fresh look with an eighteen hour rotation. Any profession of women could relate because men can literally shit, shower and shave and be prepared to meet the world.

Not true for women. There are differences in how we are perceived in the professional world.

Take a look at “Keeping Up Appearances” and see what we mean.

She made me think about my own experiences as both a nurse and a patient.

Many times I would have male nursing assistants with me and my patients constantly referred to them as the doctor. Often, asking for their opinions after I had given them mine. It was awkward.

Then came my day.

I had to have major surgery a few years ago. My female physician referred me to a female surgeon.

I was good with that.

Then I met her.

profilepic301422_1I was sitting in her office when in bopped this petite girl with long blonde hair who looked like she wasn’t a day over eighteen years. I held out my arm certain that she was about to take my blood pressure. Right? Isn’t that what the assistant always does first?

It must have been the look on my face.

She says, “Hi, I’m Jessica Vaught, M.D. I understand you are interested in the da Vinci robotics surgery. Before we get started, I’ve logged over thirty-six hundred hours on the da Vinci simulator, and performed dozens of surgeries.”

Although she was obviously trying to avail my fears, that last line conjured images of this sweet girl playing video games, maneuvering joy sticks around, and shouting, “Got that little sucker,” in an operating room theater. This was all extremely new then, and dozens just didn’t seem like enough.

When I think of ageism, I think of older people not getting jobs or being let go because of their age.

Here, I was just as guilty of ageism.

This is the real world. This is the magic of simulator training. She totally rocked.

I went home the same day and threw a party for thirty guests four days later. Never felt one minute of pain. No complications. Four tiny little scars that have faded nearly away.

The wonders of modern medicine, and youth.

Have you ever doubted a professional based on appearances?

20 thoughts on “The Wonders of Youth and New Technologies

    1. They do, and that’s a good thing. When hurricane Charley went through here, the staff had to stay at the hospital and sleep six hours and work around the clock except for that break. We did that for four days with no power (except critical service power) and no hot water. I had a new appreciation for physicians.

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  1. Thank you for introducing us to Wonder Woman Jessica. Yes, I have been guilty of pegging people incorrectly based on age. In a hospital, I try to eye-ball lapel pins so I don’t make any gaffes. Great reminder!


    1. I think we are all guilty. Even in psychiatry, where we wore plain clothes, sometimes patients thought I was a patient…but, well, there could have been other reasons for that.


  2. “Have you ever doubted a professional based on appearances?”—Probably. Though, of course, I can’t think of any specific incident now. I’m sure I will at three am tonight though. That’s often when things suddenly pop into my brain, right after I’ve gotten up for a bathroom break. 🙂


    1. I’m sure you get the whole doctor nurse thing though. It’s not just medicine. I went to a restaurant downtown a few days ago. They were really busy and the server who had taken my order was never seen again. A man in dread locks down to his waist, covered in tattoos and piercings, wearing torn jeans, a half a t-shirt and flip-flops brought me my food from the kitchen. I can’t deny I wondered what all was going on back there and closely examined my food.

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  3. What did I say? I said, everyone around me is waayy too young for a.n.y.thing.
    Forgive my sillines. This is amazing. The M.D. may have put in all those hours, but when did she start medical school? When she was five? 😀 😀 I’m impressed.


  4. I’m guilty and it goes way back. I was in my early thirties when I visited a new dentist. He looked like a baby. He was the Doogie Howser of dentistry. Like yourself, I started to handle these situations better as my nephew and twin nieces became professionals.


  5. Never thought of it as agism when I doubted someone’s abilities based on them being too young; oh-so-guilty! Quite recently I said something like “40 is too young to be president.” I stand by that one, though.I’m learning that intelligence is ageless, but life experience still counts for something!


    1. I do believe experience counts for something. That is my primary learning method. In nursing, they sure couldn’t teach us everything we needed to know in nursing school. New grads have no critical thinking skills. Guilty, but not stupid!


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